Contact Towering Oaks Baptist Church
Use the form to email our church offices or contact anyone on staff using the directory below.
Towering Oaks Baptist Church
1985 Buckingham Rd.
Greeneville, TN 37745
423-638-7464 M-F, 8-5PM
Use our Connect app if you want to learn more about uniting with us.
Visit the TOBC website to contact our preschool, elementary, middle or high school.
Amy Pfaff-Biebel
Amy Pfaff-Biebel Towering Oaks Christian School Administrator
Dr. Tommy Pierce
Dr. Tommy Pierce Senior Pastor
Greg Youngblood
Greg Youngblood Associate Pastor
Jason Hudson
Jason Hudson Worship Leader
Kollynn Hurst
Kollynn Hurst Student Pastor
Krystal Haney
KRYSTAL HANEY Ministry Secretary to the Pastor
Mark Ellison
Mark Ellison Associate Pastor of Pastoral Ministries
Patrick Franklin
Patrick Franklin Technology & Web
Scott Parker
Scott Parker Facilities Assistant
Shelley Pierce
Shelley Pierce Ministry Director